A US reporter on Tuesday claimed that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has caught coronavirus infection from a Chinese doctor."The Chinese doctor had come to North Korea to help with Kim Jong-un's heart valve surgery," tweeted One America News correspondent Jack Posobiec citing multiple US officials.
"He appears to be in stable condition for now," Posobiec added.
Notably, Jack Posobiec is said to be a far-right conspiracy theorist. His claims have not been verified by an official.
Earlier, CNN had mentioned 'a US official with direct knowledge' as saying that the United States of America is observing intelligence that suggests Kim Jong-un, who is in his mid-30s, is in grave danger.Speculations were rife as regards Kim's health after the North Korean leader did not visit the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun on the occasion of the 108th birthday of his late grandfather and state founder Kim Il-sung on April 15.
Kim's last public appearance was recorded on April 11 when he convened a political bureau meeting of the ruling Workers' Party, seeking "strict national countermeasures to thoroughly check the infiltration of the virus".
Source: DailyHunt
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