Superstar Rajinikanth had a change of plans when it came to politics and decided to stay away from politics considering his health issues. After he fell unwell in December, the shoot of his upcoming movie Annaatthe is kept on hold. Considering his age, health issues and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the doctors advised him to take rest. The shoot of Annaatthe was pushed to March and a schedule was planned to commence from today. But considering the number of cases of coronavirus, Rajinikanth decided to delay the shoot of the film further and informed the makers. The shoot of Annaatthe is pushed further and it will commence from April. As there is ample time for the release, the makers are not in a hurry. Annaatthe is directed by Shiva and the film features Rajinikanth, Meena, Khushbu, Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles. Sun Pictures are the producers and the film is announced for Diwali 2021 release.
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